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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Vanabode camp, travel and live forever on $20 a day

Imagine what you would do and where you would go if I PROMISED to show you how to live a complete life with all your needs met for $20 a day? Would you head straight for a national park like Yellowstone or Glacier and hike and photograph wildlife for a month?
Would you just take it easy on the fresh powder sands of Florida's pristine beach's sipping cold refreshing Mojito's? Would you hit the tables in Vegas for some exciting poker or slots followed by a mind blowing world class show? Would you dine out every night for a week on the pier in San Francisco? Would you go hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, biking, boating, surfing, skiing, or otherwise get off the grid and out of the grind for a month or two at a time?

If you are hurting financially I can show you how to get out of debt. If you are bored I can show you how to get the time to do ANYTHING you want. If you hate your job I can show you how you can quit your job and make money working in some of the most exciting places in the United States like national parks and state recreational areas. If your life sucks and you want some adventure, romance and serious fun, I can show you how to get more NOW!

Basically what it boils down to is this: I will show you how you can have the most incredible journey ever imagined while traveling all over the United States. I will show you how to happily camp, travel, and live forever on $20 a day.
To Vanabode is to experience it all. It is not a gimmick but rather a carefully thought out plan complete with all the details necessary to quit your job and get some serious time to yourself anywhere you have ever dreamed of going.

If you want to get started right now click to order your own copy of "Vanabode" otherwise read on for a more detailed list of what it reveal in this newest travel book.

What is Vanabode?

Vanabode is delivered electronically as a PDF format eBook within 24 hours via email. This way you can enjoy the benefits of live links to hundreds of pages of additional content including job opportunities for campers, pictures, blog, and email help desk. You can read this 113 page book on any computer or device using the free Adobe Reader software that is already loaded on your computer. You may print out your own copy of the book so that you can read off-line anytime.

"Wikipedia describes Vanabode as a "disruptive technology" or "disruptive innovation"; terms used in business and technology circles to describe innovations that improve a product or service in ways that the market does not expect, typically by being lower priced or making something available to everyone that was previously only available to the rich". . . from an award winning travel innovations essay 2009

Check it out!

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